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lavalier microphone

hi there personal view viewers andsubscribersnormally you'd be expecting a reviewright now but i need to talk to somepeople so actuallythere's nothing to see here what isuggest you do is go and check out someof our other uh reviewsokaythose guys have gone and checking outother reviews and now i need to talk toyouthe engineers and designers of this lensgo 348c product because you seeit isa great conceptthat is poorly realizedand whilst i was preparing what wouldhave been a reviewi sent you guysfour emails with the different problemsthat i'd encountered but of course ihaven't had any reply back so i thoughtwhat we do is put this video togetherput it in the public domain and thenhopefully you'll see it then you'll workout what's wrong with your email systemand then maybe you'll get around toproducing some different firmware forthis product that will realize thestrength of the concept in the firstplace solet's go on with it and describe what iunderstand and what i think is going onhereso first of all we'll go withthetransmitters now the transmitters arethey're a handy size they've got thegreat little magnetic catch on the backwhich works really wellbutthe microphone isridiculously closeto the 3.5 millimeter jackwhich means that if we want to comealongwith any normal lavalier component itwon't fitbecause the latch is high and it won'tfit inthe solution of course is to usean extra lead this very thin lead herewhich willgo in herethat fits in well and then we can takeour lavalier microphone and plug it inlike sobut you can seethat the design effort of moving thisaway from thisis trivialto increase the functionalityof the productnowthe next thing i want to talk about isthe rf performancethe transmitters and receivers oncethey're runninguse a broad spectrum now according toour analyzers it goes from below 2.4 gigto just above 2.5 gig and it remains ina completely static pattern which meansit is trying to tread overall of the wi-fi signals and all therest of it that you might be havingbut it's not particularly strong or wellthought out signal because just one tinylittle generator doing sweep spectrum atless than half a meter managed to dropthe linksand that's not goodthe next thing we really need to talkabout is the fact thateach one of thetransmitters is alsoa recorder which is great it means thatwe can take these little sd cards or tfcards as you call them put them in hereand record something and that's greatbecause it means that you can have asituation where your talent goes in andout of range but what's on the cardkeeps all the audionow the issue here is that the wav filesthat you create are in some waymisformed and i think this is thebiggest problem with the productessentiallylogicblackmagicvlcand a bunch of other applicationswon't read the files they'll say thatthey're corruptedso what i found is i had to load them upinmovist and in quicktime actually i'vegot quicktime to work and then rewritethem out in a completely differentformat so that i can import them in thefirst placeand if you look at the headers that i'vesent you by email you can see it's crazythey're talking as if you've gotjust four bit pattern depth and it lookslike you're using a codec that wouldnormally be used in mobile phonetechnologies and not in microphone technologiesother than thatthe rest of this thing is kind of okaybut if you look at say thereceiver when you switch it onlet me just switch it on hereyou get no indication at allof what firmware is runningso if i'm trying to report a fault toyou i can't say oh you've got firmware1.15 and it shows this issue i have noidea all i know iswhat's on there now the other thing iwanted to talk to you aboutisthe fact that you've got thislet's get this onthat's it that's runningand that isinterestingit's not synced up yetall rightokaywellanywaydo you believe itthat's not syncing up at the moment butwhen you press this button you have tohold it down for quite some timebefore the record light comes upin fact i'm still holding it downi'm still holding it downi'm still holding it downi'm still holding it downthat's interestingokay let's try that againlet's switch everything offand i guess i can say that this is kindof indicative of my entire experience oftesting theseso here we gothat's the receiver going onthat's transmitter going onahthis time they've linkedsowhat does that tell us maybe that tellsus the record function won't work unlessthey're linked so i press down therecord buttonand now it comes upand it's flashingbut can you see that that light isflashing and now if i go and clip itontomy talentwhat we've got on camerais a flashing light all the timenow it wouldn't take muchto redesign thisso that the flashing lights were perhapsat the back or somewhere where they'renot necessarilyseen by the camera does it failnowwhen i'm historyis it not workingor is it still workingyesokay sohere we are on the seven meter testagainstand once we're going to go from thiskind of seven meter positionwe're going toopen open herewe're going to want to um a couple ofmeters the other side of the door andwe're going to turn around so our backis to the position where the hammer isuh we're kind of walkingslightly further away just to see howthat is there is aanother open door that would reach thecamera so hopefully there's a bit ofdiversity in the uh signal andthe lensgo of course should be idealfor this kind of shot where you're goingto to come through the door the doorandannounce whatever you need to announcewhenever interact whichever charactersyou need toput aroundokay sohere we are on the seven meter testagain and once again we're going to gofrom this kind of seven meter positionwe're going toopen the door here we're going to walka couple of meters the other side of thedoor and we're going to turn around soour back is to the position where thecamera iswe're kind of walkingslightly further away just to see howthat is there is a another open doorthat would reach the camera so hopefullythere's a bit of diversity in the signalandthe lensgo of course should be idealfor this kind of shot where you're goingtocome through the doorandannounce whatever you need to announceor interact whichever characters youneed to interact withanywaythere you arethere it wasthey're the things that i found aboutthe lensgo 348 andhonestlyif you got it to workit would be a marvelous little productparticularly if you could get it to workso that you know we can use it withstandard lavalier microphones becauseyou can then hide thissomewhereandknow that your talent can go in and outofareas in and out of reception and you'vegot clean audio all the timeanyway there you areand there it wasand if there are any personal viewsubscribers that have been watching allthe way to the endyou are cheeky little monkeys thiswasn't really meant for you we've doneloads of other great reviewsanyway thank you for watching