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Wireless Lavalier Mic Lensgo348c Afford Creators Best Choice

Lensgo's 348c wireless lavalier mic can be used with a phone as well as a recorder, it's pretty much plug and play, You can't imagine how convenient it is, so you can record and it records your audio, but When you play it you won't hear anything. Any camera with an audio port should work with this mic now there are two audio tracks here and the other should work for other phones provided they have an audio jack so All you really have to do is plug in the audio jack now and finally another cool laptop use case just plug it in and you can do these zoom calls and it's basically the easiest way to up your audio game , now you won't need to be tethered to your desk because it's a very compact thing,This means when you decide to travel with your laptop you really need to pack with this laptop, with this mic you can take calls wherever you go All in all I think the lensgo348C is a very useful gear with meit is a simple and easy solution, especially for people like me who like to shoot on the go but don't like to carry too much stuff gear with meit is a simple and easy solution that can be used even by people who are new to content because it Very simple, while enjoying the flexibility of switching shots with different devices, although if you're not looking for something simple and flexible, you're just looking for the best sounding mic without compromises this little thing might not be the mic for you, but I love using It, even for non-creators, I think is a very useful tool.