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lensgo 348c wireless microphone outdoors

hey guys welcome back to the channelthis is luigi versus and today we'regonna be doing another outdoor test wewill be testing out the lensgo 348c wireless microphone outdoors with thebuilt-in microphone and the wind filterconnected or attached to the transmitterso right now i am two feet away from thecamera and i will be trying to movealong going to that area and see how farwe can gowithout the transmitter gettingdisconnected to the receiver[Music]so you are currently hearing directlyfrom the built-in microphone of thelandscape 348c and it's said to be thatthere is a seven level noise reductiontechnology on the built-in microphone sothe setting is quite sunny outsidethere is no rain butthere'ssound of birds chirping there are alsomotorcycles and cars passing throughoutside so as i go far away from thecamera you would hear the differentkind of noisesif you are using this on an outside oran outdoor setting so first we're gonnado a range test so right now again i amtwo feet to three feet away from thecamera and i'll move further backso i am now five feet away from thecamera i am now like approximately 10feet away from the camera i am now 15feet away from the camera i am now 20feet away from the camera and there issome music playing on my right side andi'm gonna go through the kitchen and seeif there's gonna be an interferencewhen i go inside a specific room or ifthere's a blockage from the connectionwith the transmitter and receiverso right now i'm on the kitchen youcannot see mebut there are somesomeone cooking i am actually beside thecook that is currently cooking so let meknow if you can hear it i'm gonna gofurther awaygoing outside i'm currently 30 feet to40 feet away from the camerai am now 50 feet or approximately 50feet away i'm waving my hand if you cansee me so i'm here outside and there aremotorcycles and there are carsthroughand hopefullythe built-in noise reduction would atleast lessen that noise and focus moreon the vocals or on the voice of thespeakerjust in case you cannot hear meso i'm currently walking 20 feet awaygoing through the front of the cameralet me know if you can hear the sound ofthe vibrations coming from the movementthat i am doingokay and we're back to two feet awayfrom the camerathat's pretty much it i would let you bethe judge on how the lensgo 348c sounds like outdoors let me know in thecomments section if you find the qualityof the lensgo 348c worth your money soas you can see i didn't test it using alavalier microphone because there is noincluded lav mic and that is somethingthat i wish that lensgo would consideron the next versions of the lensgo 348of course this is a great microphone forits price and i really really like itwhen i recorded some song covers on thismicrophone and so this is gonna be mygo-to mic for the meantime but watch outbecause i'm gonna be doing a comparisonvideo against the merfak we10 and that'sgonna be interesting because we wouldknow which one sounds better i hope youfind this video helpful and if you didplease do leave a like and a comment andif you're new to the channel don'tforget to subscribe by hitting thesubscribe button and also click thatbell icon so you get updated for productreviews like this again this is luigiversus and thank you for watching myvideo